Pokemon: Why I Stopped Playing

Now, believe me. I love Pokemon. I always loved Pokemon as a kid, and always will love Pokemon. My thing is, Pokemon to me is the FIRST and SECOND seasons ONLY. Yes, im sorry, I don’t consider anything past the Johto region to be Pokemon. Don’t take this to mean that I hate all Pokemon after those regions, its just that I don’t know them. And frankly, I really don’t want to know them, because I know that they are not as awesome as the originals. Which brings me to the reason of this post…

ALL POKEMON GAMES ARE THE SAME… and frankly, im very bored with them. The last game I played almost to completion was silver. Yes, I have tried the game boy advanced versions, and yes, I have tried the Nintendo DS version, but no, I have not spent more than thirty minutes with them. And really, does it even matter? Honestly, they really are the same games, and don’t kid yourselves, you know its true.

Virtually nothing has changed, except for the visuals, items (somewhat), puzzles, and animation when the Pokemon pop out.

Honestly, the visuals have really only become more colorful, better looking and somewhat 3D. Puzzles still aren’t too different, and really, the puzzles in Pokemon games are a nuisance. I still hate trying to fight Sabrina, and having to go through that portal shit…

jeez… what a drag.

I am glad that they made the Pokemon move when they come out of their pokeball or go into battle, but what pisses me off is that they still make those insanely weird roars that sound like Super Mario Bros. farted on the Nintendo. They really need to change that, cmon, its 2010, I know there’s enough space in that cartridge for the sound files, don’t lie Nintendo, don’t lie

But perhaps the worst thing about the newer Pokemon games is that


I mean, just look at the monsters from the upcoming game Pokemon Black and White! This of course is expected, I mean, they must be running out of ideas after I don’t know how many games. I can only imagine how the process of making these Pokemon goes. The developers probably get together at the office one night, get somewhat drunk, make some crazy doodles and put eyes on them. Then they throw a dart at a board that says “Electric, Water, Grass, Fire…” and voila! You have the new generation of Pokemon. Sigh… its kind of funny, but really, its only Nintendo laughing all the way to the bank.

Lets just hope this game is a little more… innovative!

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2 Responses to Pokemon: Why I Stopped Playing

  1. I’m just waiting for memes about the new games… Also, everything after gen III is dead to me. Nothing beats Jhoto and Kanto, but Hoenn was A-Okay with me.

  2. Manny Has a Big Fanny says:

    Yee, that’s dopeness right there. Keep at it brotha’

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